Homoflirt takes care of you
Here are some hygiene tips to make our sex life so rich and clean that we don't worry about anything but receiving pleasure. I have divided the points into before, during and after sex, enjoy and write them down!
Know your body and its times.
As we have already said, the anus is for evacuation and well, it is not advisable to eat a lot and / or heavy when there will be sex afterwards, so you should manage your time, eat properly and eat what is necessary, without overdoing it, so you do a good thing to your body and you can not look ridiculous and then stain a condom or not be able to contain yourself. It is advisable that if you have eaten a large meal, allow between 1 and 4 hours depending on your digestion to evacuate and then you can have sex without fear that the action will be rewarded xD Of course, after evacuating, clean the anus well. It is also advisable that, if you have drunk a lot of liquid, go to urinate before sex, because it happens that at the time of penetration there is pressure on the bladder and if it is full, you will have an uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom.

Anal cleansing.
As a passive it is always important to have the anal area free of impurities. As I said, this area is made to evacuate the body and obviously with bacteria and so on, so we must ally ourselves with the famous enemas; enemas are designed to make internal cleaning to the anus, they have a thin plastic that is introduced through the anus and a pump where you put warm water, which is then pumped into the anus and exerts internal cleaning. Some people find it uncomfortable to do it, but it is the most indicated; if not, make sure that your cleanliness at bath time is very good, washing your anus well always helps, using toilet paper properly when you go to the bathroom and being always aware that you have this area clean is also a great help. also a great help.

Oral hygiene.
Oral sex is delicious, but much more so if done correctly. Never brush your teeth two hours before or after oral sex, because the bristles of the brushes can cause wounds in the gums and although they may seem microscopic, they can get infected; that is why it is advisable to have oral sex with a condom, remember that there are flavors, colors, etc. It's just a matter of letting your imagination fly. After oral sex do not brush your teeth either, because if this happens, you can also cause sores on your gums and get infected. What you should do is rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash and wait no less than 2 hours to brush your teeth. Avoid semen in the mouth and much more digest it, because imagine if only the penis can have many bacteria, the semen would be full of them, so as a precaution, do not do it, you can avoid many problems.

Protect yourself!
Obviously, the golden rule, ALWAYS use a condom and a good lubricant, Vaseline and saliva are not lubricants (you can check our lubricants post below) remember that Vaseline increases considerably the risk of breaking the condom; choose a hygienic, water-based and long-lasting lubricant as you consider. Everyone is responsible for their own body and knows what they are doing; however, we must also take care of other people's lives, because it means taking care of our own as well.

This alert
If the condom breaks, change it immediately; if the condom gets dirty, change it too; remember that the anus contains bacteria that can cause infections in contact with other areas of the body, so you should not pass them from the anus to the mouth. Take extreme precautions when you have sex with more than one person at the same time, menage-a-trois, orgies, etc.; do not allow for any reason that the active person who penetrated another person wants to penetrate you with the same condom, demand the change of condom to avoid the transmission of infections.

Take care of yourself and respect yourself
If you like wild, rough sex or have fantasies that may involve pain or something like that, always put the integrity of your body first. We have seen people practicing fisting, double penetration and other fantasies and fetishes, which, perhaps in porn movies look very good, but the reality is that for these practices you have to be very careful, be widely informed about the subject and also have practice, even the same penetration badly exercised can be risky; porn actors are dedicated to sex in any of its forms and therefore already know everything that involve issues like that. So if you like to experience new things, always get informed first and do not jump into the ring just because; because these behaviors can cause you very serious injuries.

Take a bath
After sex, it is highly recommended to shower and wash your anus thoroughly; this will prevent bacteria and infections due to sweat and others, can lodge in your body. If there is nowhere to do it, going home should be the first thing you do, because you may not get an infection at the time of sex, but if you let time pass, fungi and other bacteria from the environment can lodge in you.

Protect yourself!
Obviously, the golden rule, ALWAYS use a condom and a good lubricant, Vaseline and saliva are not lubricants (you can check our post about lubricants below) remember that Vaseline considerably increases the risk of condom breakage; choose a hygienic, water-based and long-lasting lubricant as you consider. Everyone is responsible for their own body and knows what they are doing; however, we must also take care of other people's lives, because that means taking care of our own.

Explore your body.
While showering, explore your body to check that everything is okay, especially if there is pain after sex, because sometimes there may be small wounds that need care, especially when there is rough sex and without much caution. Be aware of your body eeh!

Rest your body.
Remember that even machines need a rest and your body much more, make your partner understand that the anus gets tired faster and is more fragile than the penis, therefore, you must give it a break and also pamper it; a good bath with warm water almost reaching the cold (not ice cold) is good for the anus, because it relaxes and relaxes it.