Min Gay Fans

Mygayfans are like onlyfans but only for gays

Make more money, with your content.

Start your own premium creators platform with our ready to go solution.

Make more money

with your content.

Why choose Mygayfans

Mygayfans is made by gays for gays. we think we know what’s going on in the gay community. besides, you can keep more money yourself.

Mygayfans vs Onlyfans

Mygayfans of course, they are not as big as the onlyfans as we have just started… Onlyfans keeps 30 percent of what you earn. We didn’t think that was fair. So we only take 12 percent to administer the site’s banking fees, etc.

More benefits with Mygayfans.

More benefits with Mygayfans As a newly started onlyfans creator, it is difficult to realize to meet and earn good money. We help you with that, because on all of our dating sites you can also here on Homoflirt insert a link to your mygayfans profile in your Homoflirtprofile profile.

Earn as much money as possible

When you are a creator, you are your own boss. It also means you have to work hard at first and then enjoy the fruits of your hard work. If you follow our tips below, you’ll be on the right track.